Comments for REVIEW
mh, 26.6.09 info source, links outdated for murdock and the cowpea project (the wrong link is also provided on the solarisation page). pls advise Old link was: The Cowpea Project, (a project working on the use of solarisation for control of this pest): http://cowpea.com]http://cowpea.com and http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/cowpea/homepage.htm]myweb.tiscali.co.uk/cowpea/homepage.htm soybean was not entered as host into the database in the header, so there is a pestmodule missing what about Neem? Eric had also indicated that Neem can be used against bruchids. pls advise. We are linking to the storage pest page for more information, but Neem is not in a detailed recipe. Although I know I had sent you a phd on Neem and LGB, do you still have it? at least this info should be included on the storage pest site. There is evidence that neem is efficient in controlling this bruchid species (see http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=15432820).
Callosobruchus spp. (Callosobruchus maculatus, Callosobruchus chinensis)