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T.W. Mew, International Rice Research Institute, Bugwood.org
Is this a Minor Pest?
Minor Pest Title
Bacterial leaf blight (Xanthomonas oryza pv. oryza)
Minor Pest Description
The first symptom of the disease is a water soaked lesion on the edges of the leaf blades near the leaf tip. The lesions expand and turn yellowish and eventually greyish-white and the leaf dries up. High rainfall with strong winds provides conditions for the bacteria to multiply and enter the leaf through injured tissue.
Minor Pest What to do.
- Plant resistant varieties if available.
- Use certified disease-free seeds.
- Practise rotation with legumes.
- Practise good field sanitation. Plough or roll the stubble to hasten decay of the rice debris; this helps to manage the disease by destroying the tissue in which the bacterium is maintained.
Minor Pest Position
Minor Pest Firstcontent
Pest Type
Host Plants
Rice (Revised)
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