Symptoms by affected plant part: This is not very useful for farmers. This caterpillar does not produce honeydew. Honeydew is present when aphids occur at the same time. (fw 16.7: should the whole part be deleted (also in other datasheets), as it is not useful for farmers?)
Cabbage moth (Crocidolomia pavonana (=binotalis))
Cabbage moth larva: when fully grown is about 1.6-1.9 cm long. Larvae pupate in the soil. The pupal stage lasts about 10 days. It is primarily a pest of brassicas and is occasionally an important pest of cabbage and kales. Caterpillars are found in groups. Young caterpillars chew off top leaf surfaces, while older caterpillars feed under a web of silk on young leaves, petioles and growing point of the plant, often damaging it entirely.
- Spray with neem extracts and Bt.