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The Organic Farmer (TOF) - A magazine for African farmers

The Organic Farmer (TOF) is a magazine with practical information, it is published bi-monthly (since 2023, before it was published monthly) and is distributed free of charge to interested farmer groups in Kenya. 60,000 farmers already receive concrete guidance and practical tips on securing and increasing their harvests through simple, environmentally friendly means.

MkM Mkulima Mbunifu Magazine project run in Arusha, Tanzania, is one of the communication projects supported by Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) in Nairobi through its Farmer Communication Programme. The project is implemented in partnership with Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT), a non-governmental organization based in Morogoro. Currently, the magazine reaches approximately 72,000 farmers in Tanzania and is produces also bi-monthly. 

To read The Organic Farmer Magazine and Mkulimu Mbunifu you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded for free from here if you dont have it installed in your computer programmes: 



To translate a Magazine issue or any other PDF, Please download the PDF and use google translate

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